
World of tanks blitz best money making tank
World of tanks blitz best money making tank

world of tanks blitz best money making tank

In this manner, the mediocre player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a premium tank destroyer or other items used by the premium players. The matchmaker may match the mediocre player with a team that have highly skilled tank destroyers in the game. In a particular example, the mediocre player may wish to become a good tank destroyer in the game. For example, the matchmaker may identify a mediocre player to match with a team of premium players based on a player profile of the mediocre player. In one implementation, the matchmaker may target particular players to make game-related purchases based on their interests. The mediocre players may wish to emulate the premium players by obtaining premium vehicles or other items used by the premium players. For instance, the system may match premium players against a team of mediocre playes to encourage the mediocre players to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the premium players. In a nutshell Wargaming implemented a system that arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For example, the Chrysler K GF where many reviewers got censored by Wargaming for exposing the truth about their corrupt system. Most long-term players can't deny the obvious drastic change in matchmaking when queueing with a newly purchased premium vehicle that was on a major holiday sale. An in depth explaination of why World of Tanks as a franchise is becoming a traditional pay to win game and how the developers are manipulating their players to commit to using premium services to get an advantage in the matchmaker.Ī similar investigation and exposing has been made on several titles utilizing a similar microtransaction model.

World of tanks blitz best money making tank